Group MSA



Quality and tradition in
furniture manufacturing

Present on the market since 1967, MSA Group is the sum of credibility, innovation, quality and tradition of its brands: Marel Design Mobili, Dimare Planned Furniture, Kless Custom Furniture, Amóbi, Empire of the Carpenter and BSV Transport.

A modern industry that is attentive to every trend, always with the aim of offering customized furniture for residential and corporate environments, in Brazil and abroad.

With over 50,000 m² of built area, divided into two industrial units in the city of Francisco Beltrão (PR), the MSA Group guarantees the excellence of its furniture by combining technology, design and artisanal processes in its manufacturing park.

Among the solutions that stand out in the projects, high-precision robotic painting with genuine Italian lacquer, with more than 2,000 color options, wooden veneers, as well as customized products such as aluminum, glass and metalon fronts.

The MSA Group also stands out for its own logistics, to guarantee the safety and integrity of cargo, and one of the shortest delivery times on the market.

This structure is also responsible for generating more than 400 direct jobs and thousands of indirect jobs. Currently, there are more than 380 resellers of the Marel, Dimare and Kless brands, spread throughout Brazil, South America and Florida, in the United States.

+ 0

years in the market

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thousand m² of industrial park

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partner stores

+ 0

direct collaborators

Report of Transparency

The MSA Group, with its Governance program, has been investing in diversity and inclusion programs, training leaders and employees in its work environment.

Our relationship with the

We offer smart solutions for living well, through personalized, reliable and quality products and services.

Just as important as the quality of our furniture and products are the relationships we build. At MSA Group, we recognize our responsibility as owners of desired brands that are directly or indirectly connected to the daily lives of thousands of people around the world.

This pillar requires increasingly socially and environmentally responsible action, seeking to reduce the impacts arising from the production and distribution of our products.

In the Social pillar, which includes our employees, we seek an increasingly inclusive, diverse and respectful work environment, always with the responsibility of being a Group of great relevance in the regions where we operate.


Tradition and quality
since 1967

The history of the MSA Group has been marked by continuous evolution since its founding on May 10, 1967, as Marmoritaria Estrela Ltda. Initially dedicated to the manufacture of cement products, the company has undergone several transformations over the years.

In the 1970s, the company adopted the name Marel and expanded its activities to include the sale of sinks and countertops. Later, it began manufacturing its own kitchens, sinks and kits.

In 1983, two major floods in 60 days caused considerable losses, forcing the company to invest and advance construction on the new headquarters.

Over the following decades, the company reinvented itself and consolidated its presence in the furniture market, launching several product lines, such as compact, modular and planned kitchens.

In 2004, now called Marel Planejados, it expanded its portfolio to include furniture for the entire home: kitchens, bedrooms, closets, bathrooms, home theaters and service areas.

The birth of the Dimare brand in 2005, to meet the need for a line of differentiated furniture, contributed to the increase in the Group's market share, leading to the adoption of the name Marel S/A.

The MSA Group has continued to expand over the years, including the creation of the versatile Kless brand in 2013 and BSV Transportes to manage its own logistics. In 2014, the company became a reference in lacquer painting with the introduction of Italian Lacatto.

In 2017, to celebrate its 50th anniversary, the Marel brand underwent a restructuring, adopting the Marel Design Mobili signature. In 2022, the group underwent a broader rebranding, adopting the name Grupo MSA and introducing new operations, such as Amóbi (e-commerce) and Império do Marceneiro (resale). The expansion continued in 2023, with the inauguration of a new industrial plant for the manufacture of aluminum, metalon and glass.

Today, with over 50,000 m² of built area, divided into two industrial units, the MSA Group has one of the most modern operations in the country for the manufacture of custom furniture. An industry that is attentive to every trend, always with the aim of offering intelligent projects and solutions for living well.


During a bowling game between Arlindo Scheuer and Armando Behne, the idea for the partnership was born.


The company began its activities on May 10, 1967 through Marmoritaria Estrela Ltda, in Francisco Beltrão (PR), with the manufacture of cement artifacts.

Since the beginning of activities, Armando Behne's sons, Nelson and Ilson, took over the management of the company alongside Mr. Arlindo and his son Rudi Scheuer.


At the request of customers, the company began selling counters (outsourced production) together with the company's own manufactured sinks.


Due to high demand, the company began manufacturing the counters in its own factory.


The company now works exclusively with furniture (kitchens, counters and kits), sinks and marble, adopting the name Marel. The new name is a shortening of the name SEAmoritaria ANDstar Lall.

In the same year, the first commercial system for sales by sales representatives was created.


Marel launches its first range of single-colour compact kitchens.


Two major floods in 60 days cause considerable losses for Marel, forcing the company to invest and advance construction work on its new headquarters.


The factory transfers its furniture production to the land on the banks of the PR-483 highway, home to the current industrial park and a strategic location for logistics and receiving raw materials.


The company launches modular kitchens in single colors, in yellow, blue and red. The success of these products was reflected throughout the 90s.


 Marel adopts a new visual identity and brand: “Marel Kitchens”.


Cozinhas Marel launches a modular kitchen line at the Fenavem fair in São Paulo (SP) and wins the “Mérito Lojista” award, one of the most important recognitions in the furniture and retail sector.


With major expansion and investments in its manufacturing facilities, the industry is no longer limited to kitchens and is now planning furniture for the entire home. The company is repositioning itself in the market and adopting a new identity with Marel Planejados, expanding its portfolio of residential products: kitchens, bedrooms, closets, home theaters, bathrooms and service areas.


To meet the need for a line of differentiated furniture, with an extension of products and operations, Dimare Modulados was born.


With the entry of the new brand, the company increases its market share on the market and adopts a new name: Marel S/A. 


The industrial park doubles in size (30 thousand m²), now having two production lines and improving production capacity.


The birth of the versatile Kless brand consolidates the Group's operations nationwide, expanding the range of custom-made furniture in all market niches.

In the same year, BSV Transportes was created, responsible for the logistics arm and for ensuring agility, quality and safety in the delivery of custom furniture throughout Brazil.


Investing in international research and high-tech machinery, the company brought genuine Italian Lacatto to Brazil, becoming a reference in lacquer painting with more than 2 thousand exclusive colors.


Celebrating 50 years of operation and consolidating its position in the high-end custom furniture segment, the Marel brand is adopting a new signature: Marel Design Mobili.


With new investments, the industrial park reaches more than 40 thousand m² of built area.


Marel Design Mobili launches its first project yearbook, highlighting and rewarding the refined visions of architects, designers and specifiers.


Upon completing 55 years of operations on May 10, 2022, Marel S/A will undergo a rebranding and new corporate identity, adopting the name Grupo MSA. This move establishes a new cycle of evolution and business synergy, including two new operations: Amóbi (e-commerce) and Império do Marceneiro (resale).


The MSA Group is expanding its manufacturing facilities with a new industrial plant for the production of aluminum, metalon and glass. In total, the manufacturing facility now has 50,000 m² of built area.

Present day

The MSA Group is consolidated in the interior design and custom furniture market, with more than 400 points of sale throughout Brazil, in addition to operations abroad, in countries such as the United States, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile and Bolivia.

With great commitment and dedication, the company has been making history since 1967, contributing to economic and social development, in addition to being part of the history of many families, businesses and homes.



Quality furniture and sustainable

The union of values, constant updating policies and commitment to ethical and responsible action also addresses the MSA Group's concern regarding the impacts generated throughout its value chain. For this reason, we pay special attention to the generation of waste and the selection of raw materials, both in products and packaging.

We also adopt rigorous management and quality control processes in all manufacturing processes, always with the aim of minimizing the environmental impacts of production and encouraging a safe working environment.


Sustainable packaging

Aware of the principles of the circular economy, the MSA Group has joined the Naturecycle program. The project is the only one internationally recognized as a flexible film solution produced with up to 100% of recycled plastic, while also ensuring high standards and performance in furniture packaging.

Certified panels

All of our wood panels come from reforestation, with raw materials certified by the Forest Stewardship Council - FSC®. This certification guarantees that all wood comes from appropriately managed forests, meeting environmental and socioeconomic requirements.

Legal Reserve

The MSA Group also acts with the utmost respect for environmental legislation, maintaining a percentage of the area covered by native vegetation. The objective of conservation is to safeguard soil fertility, rainfall patterns and biodiversity, maintaining a balanced environment.

Grupo MSA apresenta plano de governança ambiental, social e corporativa (ESG)

ESG in practice

In partnership with the Senai and Sesi systems, more integrated and competitive practices are being implemented in the MSA Group's processes to disseminate the environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) plan. This helps to solve social problems, create more innovative environments, sustainable projects and encourage egalitarian environments.

O Grupo MSA utiliza em suas instalações energia de fonte limpa e renovável, reforçando sua agenda de sustentabilidade

Green energy

The MSA Group uses clean and renewable energy sources in its facilities, reinforcing its sustainability agenda. All energy consumed comes from incentivized sources (small and medium-sized enterprises, wind, solar and biomass) and an annual certification, using international methodologies, calculates the reduction in greenhouse gas and CO² emissions into the atmosphere.

Plastic corners

The MSA Group collects and reuses all plastic corners used to protect furniture and finishing pieces. With a long service life, this action reduces environmental impact and minimizes waste generation. Damaged pieces are also recycled.


There are also regular campaigns for employees to encourage the conscious use of water and electricity, as well as the reduction in the use of paper and plastic cups.

O Grupo MSA promove a coleta seletiva de lixo, separação de resíduos sólidos e tratamento de agentes químicos

Waste disposal

Selective waste collection, separation of solid waste and treatment of chemical agents in painting booths, keeping facilities clean and safe, are permanent actions.

Environmental control

Treatment of industrial effluents, bag filters, suction and exhaust systems in equipment and painting booths, making the work environment cleaner and more protected.

