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MSA Group opens “MSA Izabel Behne Studio”

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A creative space to materialize projects, share knowledge and learn about the latest developments from the MSA Group and its custom furniture brands: Marel, Dimare and Kless. It is with this premise that the MSA Izabel Behne Studio was born.

Located within the MSA Group's industrial park, in Francisco Beltrão (PR), the studio combines the concept of loft and coworking, and is available to employees, store owners, architects and interior professionals, as well as visitors in general.

Modern, air-conditioned and with ergonomic furniture, the space allows for different activities, such as lectures, training, creative and technical laboratories, as well as small events.

The studio offers a complete structure for meetings and presentations, including Wi-Fi, workstations, technical rooms and launch galleries. Everything for a true immersion in our brands.

Discover the attractions of MSA Izabel Behne Studio

. Auditorium for training, lectures and events with up to 40 people.

. Five individual workstations;

. Luggage storage for visitors;

. Gourmet area for customer service and gastronomic events;

. Multipurpose area for meetings and laboratory activities;

. Launch gallery of custom furniture brands: Marel, Dimare and Kless.

. Individual technical rooms, with all the products of each brand on display;

. External lounge for relaxation and small events;

Tribute to Izabel Behne

MSA Studio is also a loving tribute to Izabel Behne, a woman with a strong, kind and generous personality, who fought for and valued the well-being and unity of her family.

Wife of Armando Behne and mother of Nelson, Ilson, Elci, Noeli, Edgar, Valter and Sandra Behne, her happiness was to have all her children around her and in harmony. Izabel Behne was the one who gave emotional support and good advice to the founders of the MSA Group.

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Bruno Shawskaer
Bruno Shawskaer@shawskaer
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Bruno Shawskaer
Bruno Shawskaer@shawskaer
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Bruno Shawskaer
Bruno Shawskaer@shawskaer
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Bruno Shawskaer
Bruno Shawskaer@shawskaer
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